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mingw -Sucks powershell - needed but sucks wsl - where its at

make hello and then ./hello

make isn't a compiler itself. runs clang underneath.

The Command Prompt is a command line interpreter application available in most Windows operating systems. It's used to execute entered commands. Most of those commands automate tasks via scripts and batch files - Lifewire

Bash is a Unix shell. A bash file is a batch file, but not the other way around. A batch file is a text file containing a series of commands. - tkalve

Shell scripts

Scripting allows you to use programming functions – such as β€˜for’ loops, if/then/else statements, and so forth – directly within your operating system’s interface...

It allow us to program commands in chains and have the system execute them as a scripted event, just like batch files.

They allow for command substitution: invoke a command, like date, and use it’s output as part of a file-naming scheme.

Types of β€œbatch” files in windows


And some basic commands of batch file
