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 About This Tutorial:
  Import Modules
  Configure Enviornment
  Conveince Functions
 Retrieve GIS Data
  Import Data Of Interest: (HHCHPOV)
 Lets Make A GIF
 Final Result

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About this Tutorial:

Description: This notebook was made to demonstrate how to make a gif map by merging 2 datasets. The first being a dataset containing mappable coordinates onto which the second dataset may mapping its information of interest.

This lab is split into two sections.


Output: Files, Gif

*please note


Import Modules

Configure Enviornment

Conveince Functions

This next function was created in previous colabs. We are going to recycle it for use in this lab

Retrieve GIS Data

Import Data of Interest: (HHCHPOV)



Your data is all together in a single dataset.

now what?

First lets take the centerpoint of each geometry. This will be where we place text on the each geometry.

Lets make a GIF

Data was successfully merged across all years and geometry.

Now we want the tractname, geometry, and the specific column we want to make a gif from.

Data exploration is essential! But not covered in this lab.

Everything is almost ready to start making our gifmap!

Lets just get the minimum and maximum values so that our color ramp will have consistent values on each picture.

Final Result