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Optional - Setup Localhost on Colabs

Run this in the local terminal:


'Then hit the CONNECT dropdown on the top right of this screen to Connect to the Localhost

Upload Function

This is the upload script:


This is the uplaod fn in use:

a_FastLedFTT.cpp a_mic_2_envelope_analyzed.cpp a_sound2light3.cpp a_theatersound.cpp blink_monitor.cpp blink_serial.cpp _analogAudio.cpp _digitalAudio.cpp _fft_v1.cpp _fft_v2.cpp

Serial Logging

This is a simple example to read the serial output

Serial Plotting

this is a more complex example

This could be done in js using the Web Serial API too

Index: 0, File: analogSoundSampleSketch\analogSoundSampleSketch.ino Index: 1, File: buttoncycler\buttoncycler.ino Index: 2, File: espblink\espblink.ino Index: 3, File: march_25_2023_circuitplayground_fun\march_25_2023_circuitplayground_fun.ino Index: 4, File: microphone_test_2\microphone_test_2.ino Index: 5, File: microphone_test_3\microphone_test_3.ino Index: 6, File: simple\simple.ino Index: 7, File: simpleblinkesp32\simpleblinkesp32.ino Index: 8, File: sketch_dec18a\sketch_dec18a.ino Index: 9, File: sketch_feb10a\sketch_feb10a.ino Index: 10, File: sketch_feb10b\sketch_feb10b.ino Index: 11, File: sketch_feb10c_original_simple\sketch_feb10c_original_simple.ino Index: 12, File: sketch_feb10_StrandtestBLE_nodelay\sketch_feb10_StrandtestBLE_nodelay.ino Index: 13, File: sketch_jul07a\sketch_jul07a.ino Index: 14, File: sketch_jul07b\sketch_jul07b.ino Index: 15, File: sketch_jul07c\sketch_jul07c.ino Index: 16, File: sketch_jul07f\sketch_jul07f.ino Index: 17, File: sketch_jul07g\sketch_jul07g.ino Index: 18, File: sketch_jul08a\sketch_jul08a.ino Index: 19, File: sketch_jul08b\sketch_jul08b.ino Index: 20, File: sketch_jul08c\sketch_jul08c.ino Index: 21, File: sketch_mar02a\sketch_mar02a.ino Index: 22, File: sketch_mar02a_microphone_test\sketch_mar02a_microphone_test.ino Index: 23, File: sketch_mar02b\sketch_mar02b.ino Index: 24, File: sketch_mar02b_fft_mic\sketch_mar02b_fft_mic.ino Index: 25, File: sketch_mar02c\sketch_mar02c.ino Index: 26, File: sketch_nov18a\sketch_nov18a.ino Index: 27, File: sketch_nov18b\sketch_nov18b.ino Index: 28, File: sketch_nov18c\sketch_nov18c.ino