Fun Facts (for tech folk)
Everything here was hand-written for optimal performance
Pages were built for speed. Delivered in under 15kbs, as a single html file, on a single line. Html renders first, then css, and then js.
Sounds good? We are just getting started.
It's a mobile-first JAMSTACK that supports multiple nested SPA's with each their own fallbacks, manifests, and service workers.
It also boasts a perfect lighthouse score
But that's not even the half of it:
The design is understated and soft. It has 15+ GPU accelerated animations and plenty of effects that all run at a cool, non-interrupting, 60fps.
By default, pages are enhanced by, but not dependent on, JS.
It also uses semantic html and was built with accessibility in mind.
Webpack compresses every single assets during the build step and
Each page gets prerendered and the loading script gets teased apart for optimal lazy loading or removal entirely
Very considerate, I know. But wait! There's more!
Relevant pages are SEO enriched using JSON-LD and are listed in the sitemap.txt file.
I'm using all the good meta tags. You know the ones ;)
And here's the best part :D
Content is pulled and converted, from IPYNB's to HTML using a mix of markdown and special syntax's.
On a per-page basis, IPYNB frontmatter (YAML) is used for setting the template, meta-tags, progress bars, sitemaps, table of contents, and more.
The use of IPYNB's also means I can publish exploratory analysis's effortlessly. Special tooling means the output can even be interactive online! But that typicaly breaks the 15kb size limits.